Friday, May 23, 2014

i am obsessed with glow in the dark stuff

I am in the process of putting together a group event called "Come glow with me." It was suppose to happen over the winter but with the polar vortex and all, I decided to try again in the summer.  Every year we try to organize some kind of light, landscape changing event.  The first one was releasing 100 sky lanterns at the beach, the next year was sparklers, and this year it will be glow in the dark.  My friend had a good idea, and that is everyone would come dressed up in some kind of glow in the dark costume.  Then the kids would run around with flash lights and activate everyone.  Can you imagine the public spectacle?  I can't wait.

To get ready, I purchased glow tape from a company called Tape Brothers.  I looked up several places and the pricing seemed reasonable.  Plus, I like the name, like there's two brothers obsessed with tape (i want to be their sister).  So, me and the kids played around with doing mosaics.  We used cutout wood but you can stencil and cut out different shape on cardboard.  I'm thinking of also taping up the cheap bouncy ball from Target and having the kids chase them on warm spring/summer nights.  Look how well it glows.  I used the high energy 1/2 inch tape.  They were way more vibrant then the gaffers tape.

my precious

Penny loves her corn.  She kept saying, "my precious" in Gollum voice. The hat is just a little extra something, like butter on top.   

Thursday, May 22, 2014 is geocaching for books

I stumbled onto via stumbleupon ages ago.  And the topic of geocaching came up and I remembered this awesome site.  I am hoping to get everyone I know in my neighborhood to participate because we only have 14 books in my city right now and that sounds lame to me.
Basically, you enter the book you wish to release into their site and you get a custom number.  The person who finds it then can enter that number into their system and see the journey of that book.  I think this will be a great summer activity for me and kids.  Go check it out!

From their about page:

"What is BookCrossing?
It's the World's Library. It's a smart social networking site. It's a celebration of literature and a place where books get new life. BookCrossing is the act of giving a book a unique identity so, as the book is passed from reader to reader, it can be tracked and thus connecting its readers. There are currently 1,203,362 BookCrossers and 10,321,178 books travelling throughout132 countries. Our community is changing the world and touching lives one book at a time.

What's our mission?

Very simply, we aim to connect people through books.

How do we do it?

Label. Share. Follow. Breath new life into books instead of letting your old favorites collect dust - pass them along to another reader. Our online archival and tracking system allows members to connect with other readers, journal and review literature and trade and follow their books as lives are changed through “reading and releasing”. Users are able to tag and track their individual books by marking them with BCIDs (BookCrossing Identity Numbers). Each BCID is unique to each book – once it’s registered on our site, the book can then be followed and journaled forever. BookCrossing is free to join and free to play. So don't be 'shelf'ish with your books - read and release!" 
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